Category Archives: Business

FRP: An Ultimate Guide to this Outstanding Material

The innovation of composites like FRP or Fibre-reinforced plastic, also known as Fibreglass, is perhaps the greatest advances of the modern era. Because of its exceptionally exclusive characteristics, this material has managed to acquire widespread recognition all across the globe and has quite successfully replaced other conventional metals like wood, cement, etc. Let us take a close look at these features as they are mentioned below in brief.

Unique Characteristics of Fibre-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)

  • FRP is a light-weighted material so any kind of items made of it could be installed easily.
  • This material has extreme strengths, thus, it could easily endure heavy pressure and excessive loads.
  • FRP is quite durable in nature, which means the products made of it seamlessly last for prolonged periods.
  • FRP is resistant to fire, heat and corrosive chemicals, hence the items like fibreglass beams, angles, channels, cable trays, ladders etc. could be used in all kinds of settings.
  • This material has enough potential to withstand severe weather conditions and environmental inconsistencies.
  • FRP does not require much maintenance. This cost-effective material is readily available in the market. It is the simplest solution for all kinds of constructional issues.

Owing to all the above-mentioned points, fibreglass or FRP has found varied applications in manifold sectors starting from aquaculture, hospitality industry, petrochemicals, marine, shipping, wastewater treatment plants, hospitals, food processing units, minerals and public infrastructure.

Now let us talk about the manufacturing process of FRP. These kinds of composites are formed when two or more homogeneous materials, which have distinct characteristics are combined together to produce a final product that has all the desired physical, chemical and mechanical properties.

Manufacturing Process of Fibre-Reinforced Plastic (FRP)

There are two chief ways of making FRP, if one is considered the renowned pultrusion process- addition polymerization and step-growth polymerization.

At first, raw strands of fibres are positioned inside a reel or crack. After being continuously pulled, this material is transferred to an impregnation system. Here the strands are soaked with resin. Then they are passed through a surfacing veil, where the excess resin is removed and the fibres are provided with appropriate shapes. This material is now shifted to a heated die, where it gets reinforced. After the sections come out, they are cut into proper lengths and then distributed in the market.

There are other ways of manufacturing FRP and its items like fibreglass beams, angles, tank covers, ladders etc. They are- injection molding, filament winding, casting and pushthrusion. However, most of the constructors out there prefer using pultrusion because of its adaptable nature.

Why Aluminium Materials Are Losing Their Supremacy To Fibreglass?

Every revolution appears before us; it throws up a new challenge to all of the traditional items. The reason is uncomplicated; every revolution continuously comes up with some supplementary benefits than the traditional items.  Just think of the industrial items that were used a decade ago; almost everything was made of timber. Later the advent of steel and aluminum had replaced the timber-made items. Undoubtedly, the aluminum and steel made items have much more advantageous than timber made items; hence the industries welcomed the replacement well.

Likewise, the revolution of fiberglass sections has replaced steel and aluminum items to a great extent and thus it has outclassed its contemporaries in several factors. Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRPs), being very much sturdy and long-lasting, have competed adequately with steel and aluminum items. Well, people used to prefer aluminum whenever they felt to adopt several items for industrial purposes.

Why did they prefer Aluminum for industrial purpose?

Whenever businessmen needed to build up some strong windows, curtain walling, display equipment, and partitioning etc. the first material that people searched for was aluminum – simply because aluminum used to denote sturdiness and long lasting features. But, after the development of Pultrusions process that results in the production of FRP materials people got a better alternative than these aluminum items. It was in the year 1980/90 when scientists discovered such process with the sole intention of making GRP materials much stronger as well as more flexible. Moreover, then process enables GRP materials even stronger than that of aluminum.

The difference of FRP and aluminum products:

Aluminum materials are not capable of attaining U values below about 1.8 whereas most of the experts opine that it would be safer if the U values can be kept under 1.2. The basic reason behind such high values of aluminum is for its low insulation abilities. On the other hand, GRP Fibreglass has characteristically low ‘U’ values. And that’s why it is considered resistant to several factors such as weather and salt/sea spray. Moreover, it not only deforms like aluminum; but also needs no maintenance cost as well; rather it can be repainted as well as repaired if you feel it necessary. Let’s have a look on the following precise points that come with FRP materials exclusively.

·         Service life: Around 50 – 75 years which is twofold that of any other contemporary material.

·         Thermal efficiency: U values of 0.9 which is almost half of that of aluminum.

·         Strength: Here too, fiberglass sections are better alternatives than steel. Do you know that FRP materials possess twice the strength to weight ratio of steel and they even don’t deform like that of aluminum!

·         Sustainability: Lastly, in terms of sustainability too, this kind of material has got 3½ extra credits in any B.R.E.E.A.M assessment.

So, you can easily comprehend why so many business persons look for such items over traditional items like aluminum and steel.

3 Important Advantages of Using Fibreglass Structures

The fibreglass structures are growing in demand day by day. Earlier the industrial structures used to be made up of conventional materials like iron, aluminium, etc. These were the hardest materials that were used and people had great belief in their strength. No doubt the materials were strong, yet they are having many problems. Only later with time, people found that the materials were not long lasting though they were quite expensive. The materials needed frequent repairing and maintenance which added more to the cost of the material.

Fibreglass sections

Continue reading 3 Important Advantages of Using Fibreglass Structures

Details of the Pultrusion Process for Construction Materials

Durability and strength are the two important factors that influence the construction of a building. With advancement in the technical field there have been many industries that have come into the scenario who manufactures construction materials. Using these concrete construction structures makes the buildings and other places safer. One such material that is used in construction is the fibreglass materials made by the process of pultrusion.


Continue reading Details of the Pultrusion Process for Construction Materials

Advantages of Using Fibreglass Sections in Industries

Fibreglass is a composite material that that means strong fibres are present in the material that is enclosed with weaker matrixes. The work of the matrix is to transfer the load on the fibres.  The manufacturing process bonds the matrix and the fibres together. Thus the composite material emerges out of the total process.

The fibreglass structures are useful in several places where works with heavy loads are carried out.  These items are favourite choice of the construction places and heavy duty industries. The reasons for using them are several. We have enlisted some of them below for you to understand better.

Superior strength :

The fibreglass sections and other materials are much stronger that they look. They actually have the capability of enduring load without breaking away or damaging. In fact, these materials are stronger than wood, metal and concrete and other things.

High end finishing :

The designing and finishing of these materials are great. The best part of this designing is that they can take up higher pressures without showing any kind of deformations.

Corrosion free :

Well the FRP based structures do not corrode away when they are placed in bad weather conditions. That is why they are best to be installed in humidity filled areas or corrosive settings.

Shock absorber :

Well, if these material structures are placed in electrical industries they will prove to be much safer. There are no chances of a person getting an electric shock as the current passes through them at a negligible rate.

Durable :

With all the above-mentioned qualities the fibre reinforced glass materials are long lasting. The materials do not rust away, neither do they corrode or gets out of shape if they are exposed to extreme temperature conditions.

Lightweight :

As the materials are made up of plastic, so, they are naturally light in weight. But if you are wondering how much capable they are then you must know that their weight does not compensate any of their qualities. In fact the lower weight proves to be advantageous for them.

Affordable :

Because of the wider availability of the materials, the products are much lower in cost. The light weight of the material has made it all the more affordable as because it involves low installation and maintenance costs.

Thus, it will be better to if one chooses the fibreglass sections and other materials for construction purposes because of the several advantages it has.

Why Fibreglass should always be your First Choice?

Workers usually prefer to work in a company that is safe and secure. For instance, a company will have many difficulties from its workers if they found the workplace unsuitable for them. The unsuitability arises because of a number of conditions. Sometimes these conditions involve too much of involvement of chemicals and sometimes they involve situations where workers get affected by an electric shock. All these factors make way for a chain of accidents, which can ultimately ruin the reputation of the company.

The Process

On the contrary, there are many companies who thrive to make their workplace the best place to work with the usage of fibreglass sections and composite material. This material is manufactured through the process of pultrusions, which makes the product the best and most suitable to be used in large industries.

The process of pultrusuions is quite unique. The fibreglass material is first immersed into resin material, where they get cured of their impurities. Well, the fibreglass is actually melted glass fibres, which at the end of the process becomes the hardest composite material on the earth. The process also involves drying of the resin impregnated fibres into dye material. Lastly, the product that is received is nothing but good old composite material.

Properties of FRP

The fibreglass material is a unique material in the sense that it has high durability range. It does not break or gets rusted. The material that the pultrusion process forms them into becomes non-reactive to all kinds of situations. Unless the material is cut, there is no way can these composite structures can be beaten in two.

A chemical factory requires workers to handle chemicals and that too the reactive ones. If there is a spill, then chances become high for the workers to get affected. The products are also non-conductive to electric shocks. This makes them the appropriate structures to be installed in a factory that deals with high voltage maintenance on a day to day basis.

An Indispensable Product

With durability and great power to sustain any shock and force, this material has become an indispensable material for industries. Almost every industry chooses this material to get installed in their workplace.

So, if you are thinking of installing good materials in your industry, then only think of Fibreglass sections and fibreglass beams, as their built and structure in unbeatable. Don’t forget to write to us and tell us what you think about this article.

Pultrusions Process – A Comprehensive Guide for The Beginners

Durability and strength happen to be the two main things to note when a building structures are manufactured. The advances in technology have allowed many effective processes to come to the fore, and these include the use of stronger materials. The use of these latest construction materials helps in the building of amazing structures. The pultrusion process is one of these amazing methods, which results in the creation of FRP material. The term “’pultrusion’” is actually a combination of two different words – “pull” and “extrusion”. In this method of manufacturing, reinforced structural patterns of polymer are reinforced with constant cross-sections. Find out what this process actually involves.

Constant Fiberglass Reinforcement

In this method, resin rolls of fabric are used in order to make the product stronger. This is the first phase. The whole pultrusions process is sequential and includes various steps for creating a FRP product that is supremely efficient.

Performing Guide

Once the material is placed into the device, a type of equipment referred to as “Roller” assists in shaping the material that is placed, which is ultimately transformed into the actual item.

Resin Bath, with Impregnation

In this stage, the resin mixture comprises of glass. First, the resins are soaked and then they are infused with the yet incomplete item. In this method, the stage of impregnation might involve the use of different types of resin like polyester and vinyl ester. The mixture finds the use of catalysts which can help in solidifying the product. This is an essential step for safeguarding the item from corrosion, ultraviolet rays and various other critical problems.

Contact with Heat Sources

At this stage, the base of resin is affixed and the product enters a hot, liquid steel-forming die. The die is an essential aspect of the whole process and makes the material hard in shape.

Pull Mechanism and Cutting Saw

In this step, the product goes through a strong pull mechanism. This is the last and ultimate step in which the profile is subjected to a cutting saw which can assist in cutting it into the right lengths. The whole process is completed in this way and the final product turns out to be the Fibreglass Reinforced Polymer.

In the due time, the importance of FRP products are gaining due to the wide range of features they offer to the clients. The Pultrusions method is efficient, environment-friendly, easy and affordable in cost when compared to various other options which exist in the market. Naturally, the use of these items makes these structures more efficient in form. Composite FRP products come with superior characteristics as compared to standard structures which are composed of raw materials such as iron, steel and wood.

Pultrusions- The Procedure of Making Fibreglass

In our era, more or less we all have observed that fibreglass is slowly but steadily replacing steel and other materials that were previously used in building up work platform. The wide-ranging use of fibreglass is not restricted in between this, even for making stairs, walkable roof tops, as well as ridge vents and gutters the material is also used.

Fibreglass is irretrievable, that’s mean it can’t be melted or reformed likewise PVC. This fibreglass is sturdy, hard-wearing, and for that reason, is perfect material for making those elements that are subject to endure daily wear and tear. This following section provides brief information on the process, through which fibreglass is produced.

Precise Description on the Making of Fibreglass:

The way through which fibreglass is manufactured is known as pultrusions, due to the fabrication process to create lineal profiles. The process was generated in the era of 1950 by the same person who was regarded to be the architect of composites. This process involves around pulling a repertoire of fibres in the form of tow, rowing, mat as well as fabric by resin bath, and then over and done with a heated die to treat the resin.

Lists of Benefits that are Evoked from It:

Heat is here utilised to evoke a chemical reaction that establishes the form of the part that is going to last forever. Once the resin is cured then the material cannot be reformed. This procedure is known as polymerization. The whole procedure demands little labour, that’s why it’s appropriate for mass manufacturing of stable, continuous cross section profiles.

Above and all, the best part about this process is, it never release any greenhouse gas. That is certainly a great contribution in keeping cleaner environment.

In short, Pultruded Fibreglass is considered to be superlative materials for its five dynamic features – dimensional stability, environmental friendliness, thermal insulation, aesthetics and durability. And owing to these supreme features fibreglass sections have experienced huge growth in the last few years. Browse through the search engine to find out local FRP products manufacturer that cater service to your area.

But before you write down your name over the dotted line you must ask for a quote. If the quote comes in compliance with your estimated budget then carry forward further communication. Moreover, you can compare the quotes and assess the current market rate of manufacturing the customised products that suit your need.

Ensure Safety and Durability with Pultruded FRP Structures

Be it an industrial construction or domestic, the requirement of strong and durable structures is always the most. Since frequent changes in the temperature are a constant part of the industrial sectors, making use of a product that have commendable resistance to heat and electricity makes a better choice. Unlike traditional days, the demand of the conventional metals has decreased due to the emergence of Pultruded FRP structures.

The traditional metals that were the only choice of engineers previously, with the advent of FRP that has surprisingly surpassed the expectation, have ruled the market. Not only they possess the strength that makes them appropriate for industrial usage, but also their availability in different styles and designs make them the only choice making usage in any sectors.

Following are some of the other advantages of the products made by the process of pultrusions that has increased their demand to a huge extent.

  • No Maintenance Cost:

When compared to the traditional metals like steel and aluminium, that required frequent maintenance like painting, pultruded FRP structures cuts the need for additional cost for painting. Apart from this, they can be washed by normal household washing technique which is a complete no-no for the metal structures and this helps to reduce the maintenance cost.

  • Do Not Deform:

There are scenarios when you can observe that the products start deforming due to excessive heat and usage. In such scenario, FRP products make a valuable choice as they are heat resistant and possess the strength to withstand loads without any significant deformation.

  • Easy Installation:

Keeping in mind the plights of engineers, these structures are being produced and designed. These materials differ a lot from the traditional metals since they come with easy installation features which eliminate the need for experts thereby reducing the need of paying extra.

  • Commendable Strength:

Strength is the prime requisite of the industrial structures as it ensures safety. FRP materials that are used for the purpose of constructing industrial structures possess huge strength. Regardless of the changes in temperature, these impressive structures can definitely help making the structures strong.

  • Availability in Variable Colours and Shapes:

This is one of the biggest advantages of making use for industrial construction. Traditional metals that were mostly used did not give engineers a range of choice both in terms of colours and shapes, while the pultruded FRP structures do. They are available in an array of shapes and designs that makes them the ideal choice for making use in commercial and domestic sectors.

Structures made by the process of pultrusions look both amazing and have an immense strength to withstand the huge industrial loads with deformation. So opt for the pultruded FRP structures and ensure better safety.

Pultrusion-The Process and Its Advantages in Our Lives

Pultrusion is a process of manufacturing the continuous fiber reinforced composite profiles. The manufacturing procedure is quite similar to the extrusion wherein the molten metal or plastic is pushed through a dye. The only exception is that in pultrusion, the material is pulled out through the dye. This process is considered to be an effective way for manufacturing FRP products. This process facilitates the manufacturers to construct lengths of FRP composite shapes.

This process was invented by Brandt Goldsworthy, a well known pioneer of the FRP products. The FRP pultruded materials tend to have a superior and long term resistant to the effects of heat, electricity and chemical reaction. The pultrusions are widely used in various industries for manufacturing the best building materials for their projects. In other words, these FRP shapes would neither rust nor rot, making them perfect for being widely used in various fields.

The Pultrusion Process

  • At first, the raw fiber, be it carbon or glass, is pulled off the rolls from a creel racking system.
  • The fiber is pulled in through a mixture of the thermosetting resin which is polyester resin, epoxy or urethane.
  • Via the implementation of the guiding system, the resin soaked fiber is passed through a heated dye. At the point of entrance of the dye is usually kept cool, in order to avoid the curing the resin. At the same time, the excess of resin is squeezed off.
  • As the composition of fiber and resin is pulled through the heated dye, the resin is in the form of a fully formed product.

This entire process is smoothly executed with the help of the sets of “grippers” or “pullers” which constantly move. The end part of the pultrusion machine is a cut off saw which cuts the pultruded products into desired lengths. These pultruded products offer the manufacturers as well as the users with the following advantages:

  • Resistance to corrosion
  • Resistance to chemical reaction
  • Non-conductor of heat and electricity
  • Highly durable and strong
  • Resistance to impact or heavy pressure
  • Stability in terms of dimensions
  • Low costs for maintenance

There are few industries which have completely incorporated the pultrusion process. The most commonly used examples of the pultruded products are ladder rails, fiberglass window & door frames and tool handles. In terms of the ladder rails, these FRP rails have reduced the accidents occurring via slips and falls. There are numerous other applications for the pultrusions, most of which are usually hidden. These can be as a part of some power plant, semi truck trailer or even in the armors worn by our soldiers.

To sum up, it can be said that the advent of FRP products has totally changed the face of the construction industry. Now buildings & other constructions are being made safer and stronger with the implication of the fiber-reinforced polymer products.